Black Shack Alley is probably my favourite novel compared to the others we have read in this class. I noticed that in most of the books we’ve read so far, literature has a significant effect on the protagonist of the book. For Jose, books allowed him to deepen his knowledge of the world. He saw […]
Posted in Blogs, Zobel | Tagged with childhood, innocence, literature, poverty
Joseph Zobel, Black Shack Alley
Posted in Lecture Videos, Zobel lecture | Tagged with C20th, childhood, Colonialism, development, education, labor, language, literacy, Martinique, postcolonialism, race, work, writing
In the context of French history, Black Shack Alley is a remarkable time piece. With the unique perspective of the French-Caribbean, Zobel analyzes the effects of revolts: the aftermath of the French Revolution which changed the world in regards to viewing dynasties and absolutism as negatives; the subsequent slave revolts in Haiti which […]
Posted in Blogs, Zobel | Tagged with caribbean, Entries, haiti, revolt
After reading Black Shack Alley, I really enjoyed this novel. I have read stories with similar themes like colonialism, supremacy, and poverty, but nothing like how the main character reconciles with these themes. At the beginning of the book, the main character is almost sort of naive to the idea of his grandparents and the […]
Posted in Blogs, Zobel | Tagged with Colonialism, influential, josé, juxtaposition, Martinique, narrator, poverty, protection, reality, Relationship
Zobel’s Black Shack Alley is a fascinating look into the impacts of colonialism throughout childhood in Martinique, and the racialization and trauma that comes with it. It seemed to me while I read that José did not frequently dwell on and confront notions of race, but it was clear that race and struggles with identity pervaded much […]
Posted in Blogs, Zobel | Tagged with Colonialism, identity, power, race