To start off, I really enjoyed this course, largely because I can really say that my passion for reading which I lost once starting university because of how many ‘boring’ school books I had to read. All of these books provoked emotion in me, allowing me to engage more with the texts and keep me […]
Posted in Blogs, Conclusion | Tagged with blog, Romance Studies, Uncategorized
Hey everyone, welcome to my final blog post. It is a sad day. This course has been a fun experience, and it introduced me to a bunch of books that I probably wouldn’t have read otherwise. I liked the diversity in the book selection, and how there were a good few from lesser known authors, […]
Posted in Blogs, Conclusion | Tagged with Romance Studies, week 13
Hi everyone and welcome back! To jump right in, I think we can all agree that this text differs a lot from most of what we’ve read so far, with the obvious difference that this book is about a bank robbery, while most (NOT ALL) have been slightly uncomfortable romances and relationship dynamics. This week’s […]
Posted in Blogs, Piglia | Tagged with Buenos Aires, Romance Studies
Hi everyone! This week’s reading was on ‘The Lover’ by Marguerite Duras. What an interesting read! This was definitely a book that made me uncomfortable and had me physically reacting by pushing the book away seemingly every other page. The story focuses on the life of a young French woman and her affair with an […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with age gap, Marguerite Duras, Romance Studies, The Lover
This week’s reading was titled ‘The Hour of the Star’ by Clarice Lispector and was definitely an interesting read. I found myself very lost in the opening pages, and a little unexcited about the rest of the book, I think largely in part that seemed to be a lot of writing about more abstract concepts […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with blog, Brazil, Romance Studies
Hi everybody, I hope that you all had a good reading week! This week’s reading was The Times of the Doves by Mercè Rodoreda and I will say, it is definitely an interesting read. It was definitely emotional, and dealt with heavy topics. While I think that we can all agree that the latter half […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with blog, doves, Romance Studies
For my week 6 reading I chose the book titled ‘Black Shack Alley’ by Joseph Zobel, a book set in colonial Martinique and follows the educational journey of the character of Jose. To start off, I am aware I am falling into a pattern of starting my posts this way, but I absolutely loved this […]
Posted in Blogs, Zobel | Tagged with Martinique, Romance Studies
This week’s reading was called ‘Nada’ by Carmen Laforet and is set in Barcelona, Spain. The story follows a young girl named Andrea as she navigates her new life in Barcelona after moving from a much smaller community. Personally, I was quite torn over what my opinion of this book is because on the one […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Barcelona, nada, Romance Studies
My thoughts on ‘The Shrouded Woman’ This week’s reading was written by Maria Luisa Bombal. What I find both unique and compelling about this text was that it takes place entirely after the death of the main character Ana Maria, and is told through her eyes as she watches all her loved ones visit her […]
Posted in Blogs, Bombal | Tagged with Romance Studies