I think this book is my favourite one I’ve read. I absolutely loved how unique the plot was and the language filled with beautiful description and intriguing characters. I love an “aha” moment when reading and this book did not fail me! While reading, I was curious about the title and how it would connect […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with angela, Angola, books, felix, gecko, history, josé, linen suits, lisbon, past, The Book of Chameleons, Transformation
After reading Black Shack Alley, I really enjoyed this novel. I have read stories with similar themes like colonialism, supremacy, and poverty, but nothing like how the main character reconciles with these themes. At the beginning of the book, the main character is almost sort of naive to the idea of his grandparents and the […]
Posted in Blogs, Zobel | Tagged with Colonialism, influential, josé, juxtaposition, Martinique, narrator, poverty, protection, reality, Relationship