Hey everyone! First of all, I literally cant believe we’re almost done and this is our last book. In a way it feels like it has been so long and challenging but the fact we have read SO MANY BOOKS in such a short time is crazy to me. Personally, I had to really dedicate […]
Posted in Blogs, Luiselli | Tagged with gender, history, identity, life, memory, narration, reality
Hi everyone, this week I read “Faces in the Crowd” by Valeria Luiselli for my final book of the course. This book might be my least favourite this semester. That’s not to say I hated it, but I missed a lot of what the story was trying to convey between…
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with memory, motherhood, reality
Hi everyone, this week I read “Faces in the Crowd” by Valeria Luiselli for my final book of the course. This book might be my least favourite this semester. That’s not to say I hated it, but I missed a lot of what the story was trying to convey between…
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with memory, motherhood, reality
Wow we’ve finally made it to the last book of this semester. I decided to read “Faces in the Crowd” by Valeria Luiselli for this week because I saw it was a lot shorter compared to the other book this week, and I felt I’d be really busy with finals coming up. I’m glad I […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with identity, Imagination, memory, reality, Valeria Luiselli
BROKE MY BRAIN. Let me start off by saying that I didn’t dislike like the novel…I was merely confused by it and tended to get lost at times when I was trying to follow along with the storyline. Also, before I begin an “analysis” of this book I have to mention that I didn’t enjoy the […]
Posted in Blogs, Luiselli | Tagged with loneliness, reality, supernatural, uneasiness
I’m captivated by Valeria Luiselli’s unique approach to depicting her surroundings, time, and life. Her narrative style transcends the tangible, depicting her experiences in abstract ways where it seems they transcend the limits of reality. I took the * as symbols of travelling in past and current life. One as a mother of the boy […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Faces in the Crowd, fiction, Mexico, reality, space, time, valeria
Painting: A Face in the Crowd by Holly Warburton There are two types of people: those who just live and those who design their lives Pg. 12 Hello, lovely people! How are we holding up during this last stretch of the semester! This week’s novel, and final novel of the whole course, is Valeria Luisella’s […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Convergence, fiction, Fragments, memories, motherhood, narratives, reality, Shrimp
With this being the last week of reading for this course, I’ve read 11 books throughout this which greatly surprised me since I am not an avid reader in any way and still the books here some I found fairly interesting. Back to this week’s reading, Valeria Luiselli’s novel “Faces in the Crowd” offers an […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with memory, reality, time
Here we are, (technically) my last blog post EVER for RMST 202. I know we still have our conclusion blog posts to write, but this is the last blog post on the last book of the course. Now, THAT is a milestone to celebrate, but it’s very bittersweet. I feel like I say this every […]
Posted in Blogs, Luiselli | Tagged with ghosts, reality, time
“I know I need to generate a structure full of holes so that I can always find a place for myself on the page, inhabit it; I have to remember never to put in more than is necessary, never overlay, never furnish or adorn.” (Luiselli, 10) Describing a book that profoundly impacts you can feel […]
Posted in Blogs, Luiselli | Tagged with Fragmentation, identity, Imagined, motherhood, reality, time