Hey folks, I’m back here to discuss this week’s book: The Time of the Doves by Merce Rodoreda. Overall, I have mixed feelings about the book. I found it easy to follow and liked how it showed some of the hardship and economic struggles of war. However, a couple of Natalia’s actions made it hard […]
Posted in Blogs, Rodoreda | Tagged with Animal Cruelty, Attempted Murder, Pigeons, poverty, starvation, Time of the Doves, war
Out of all of the books we’ve read, I’ve never felt so emotionally connected towards a character as I do for Natalia. I feel pity for Natalia; her life was by no means perfect, even before the Spanish civil war reached its peak. Her first-husband, Quimet, was a detestable man who degraded her and abused […]
Posted in Blogs, Rodoreda | Tagged with dove, hope, manipulation, poverty, starvation, war