It’s here! The last blog post of the semester! Thank you, dear reader, for reading all of my little blog posts. I hope you enjoyed my analysis and shared some similar thoughts, or thought differently about sections after reading my thoughts. I am honestly going to miss this blog, it was very fun to design […]
Posted in Blogs, Conclusion | Tagged with book, book review, book-blog, book-reviews, books, class, girlhood, If on a Winter’s Night a Traveller, love, memory, misogyny, Money to Burn, My brilliant friend, narrative, novel, reading, the end, Time of the Doves
While reading this book I couldn’t help but wonder why Natalia was so clueless and naive to the world. Perhaps its because I am coming as a woman, but I really was confused on why Natalia did not immediately spot the red flags in Quimet. The author at the start of the novel sort of […]
Posted in Blogs, Rodoreda | Tagged with Time of the Doves
Hey Everyone!I hope you all could unwind and relax during the reading break. As we return to our classes, Time of the Doves by Merce Rodoreda stood out as a thought-provoking novel. When I first started reading this novel, I was a bit confused. The sen…
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with hope, identity, love, relationships, survival, Time of the Doves
Hey Everyone!I hope you all could unwind and relax during the reading break. As we return to our classes, Time of the Doves by Merce Rodoreda stood out as a thought-provoking novel. When I first started reading this novel, I was a bit confused. The sen…
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with hope, identity, love, relationships, survival, Time of the Doves
I would like to begin by saying that my feelings about this novel are very mixed I found that in certain parts the descriptive nature of Natalia’s narration was rather boring and it seemed that sometimes she went on and on about things I did not find …
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with merce Rodoreda, nature, Time of the Doves, woman
I would like to begin by saying that my feelings about this novel are very mixed I found that in certain parts the descriptive nature of Natalia’s narration was rather boring and it seemed that sometimes she went on and on about things I did not find …
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with merce Rodoreda, nature, Time of the Doves, woman
When I first read Mercè Rodoreda’s novel The Time of the Doves, I initially thought it would be somewhat wholesome and heartfelt — based on the name and love story presented. However, I was thoroughly mistaken. Similar to the other texts in this class, it made me feel many overwhelming emotions: sadness, shock, and anger. The main character […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with merce Rodoreda, red flag, Time of the Doves
Hi everyone, This week we all read Time of the Doves written by Mercè Rodoreda. I quite liked this novel even though I found it difficult to start, it discusses important themes about war, love, gender, life and family. I would like to discuss the main character, Natalia and her growth. In the […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with children, family, gender, life, love, marriage, motherhood, Time of the Doves, war
Mercè Rodoreda’s “Time of the Doves” is a whirlwind of a novel surrounding the life of a woman. This young women goes through a journey and this novel follows her through first person narrative and shows what is going on in her head. Starting out Natalia is an ordinary girl who falls in love with […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with doves, naive, suicide, Time of the Doves, war