“And I didn’t know if I was sleeping or awake but I saw the doves. I saw them like before. Everything was the same: the dovecote painted dark blue, the nests full of straw, the roof with the wires getting rusty because I couldn’t hang the clothes up, the trapdoor, the procession of doves marching […]
Posted in Blogs, Rodoreda | Tagged with birds, children, class, dove, entrapment, gender, grief, growth, love, melancholy, metaphor, peace, symbol, war
Yet again another woman with a troubling life, by the social circumstances given by the men in her life. A book called “The Time of the Doves” by Mercè Rodoreda. The main character, Natalia starts off by working at a pastry shop and is persuaded by her friend Julieta to go to an event. That […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with choices, decisions, dove, hope, love, patriotism, The Time of The Doves, toxic men, war
Out of all of the books we’ve read, I’ve never felt so emotionally connected towards a character as I do for Natalia. I feel pity for Natalia; her life was by no means perfect, even before the Spanish civil war reached its peak. Her first-husband, Quimet, was a detestable man who degraded her and abused […]
Posted in Blogs, Rodoreda | Tagged with dove, hope, manipulation, poverty, starvation, war