This week’s last and final reading of choice is My Brilliant Friend by Ferrante. This is also the first physical copy of a book I have in this class, and what I have to say is that it’s easier to indulge into a book when you have the actual copy in your hands. With that […]
Posted in Blogs, Ferrante | Tagged with adolescent, childhood, classism, friendship, violence
‘My Brilliant Friend” by Elena Ferrante was by far my favourite book of the semester. Why? Because it was well written, intense, and most of all, relatable. The story follows two girls from childhood through adolescence, Elena and Lila, who are two unlikely friends that have an intense, competitive, and tough friendship due to their […]
Posted in Blogs, Ferrante | Tagged with adolescence, Elena, gender, girlhood, Lila
Ahh last book of the semester! This was definitely a fun one to end with. I watched the HBO show a few years ago and fell in love with the characters, so I had a preformed image of how they looked and acted. I watched the show with my dad, who is also Italian (but […]
Posted in Blogs, Ferrante | Tagged with
Elena Ferrante checks your mailbox, I’m sending you a check for emotional damages. Holy fuck I loved this book. This genuinely might be one of my favourite books I’ve read this semester, and maybe on of my favourites books in a while. It’s in this novel’s simplicity is where I found the most connection to […]
Posted in Blogs, Ferrante | Tagged with coming of age, gender, girlhood, whydoihavegreyhairim19
Welcome to the last book review of the semester! This week I read My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante, and I am so happy this was the last book. It is a coming-of-age book (so on brand for this class) about two girls in a poor neighbourhood in Naples. The story starts with an older […]
Posted in Blogs, Ferrante | Tagged with book review, book-reviews, books, childhood, family, fiction, friendship, Italy, literature, love, money, socioeconomic status
“Women, they have minds, and they have souls, as well as just hearts. And they’ve got ambition, and they’ve got talent, as well as just beauty. I’m so sick of people saying that love is all a woman is fit for.” (Alcott, Little Women) A wearying message arrives to Elena: Her friend has vanished. Yet, […]
Posted in Blogs, Ferrante | Tagged with communism, duality, education, Feminism, girlhood, life, poverty, society, Womanhood
This one reminded me of my best friend Rachel. (warning: this is a trauma dump) In “My Brilliant Friend”‘, Ferrante illustrates class, gender and language through the friendship of two little girls as we progress to see them turn into adolescent women. Since Jon had already discussed the societal problems in this book, I would …
Posted in Blogs, Ferrante | Tagged with Best friends, class, coming of age, gender, girlhood, language
There are only so many books I can read with horrible male characters. This book was frustrating to read. My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante was really not my cup of tea, but I did like it just a little bit. First, the “friendship” between Lila and Elena was so toxic. The first 30% of […]
Posted in Blogs, Ferrante | Tagged with coming of age, Elena Ferrante, friendship, love, My brilliant friend, violence