Hey everyone! I’m super excited to talk about this week’s reading “Deep Rivers” by Jose Maria Arguedas. The novel dives into the Peruvian Andean culture and surrounds the story of Ernesto, who is a young boy torn between two worlds. Ernesto’s upbringing is a blend of his indigenous Quechua traditions and Western education as he […]
Posted in Arguedas, Blogs | Tagged with class, Colonialism, family, history, language, life, power, race, story, trauma, youth
This book was long. Yet so immersive and so interesting, with its integrated Quechuan words with their translations at the footnote. I found the usage of these untranslated words helped me understand and visualize the culture the author has tried to portray. In addition to the descriptions of towns, the churches, the bell ringing, lighting […]
Posted in Arguedas, Blogs | Tagged with alienation, childhood, Colonialism, culture, injustice, language, Music, postcolonialism, race
Hello again, I’m back to give my thoughts on this week’s book Deep Rivers by Jose Maria Arguedas. Overall, I found the subject matter of the book to be quite interesting, but the story was a little difficult to follow at times. At certain points, it feels like very little is happening plot-wise, which made […]
Posted in Arguedas, Blogs | Tagged with Class Divide, Deep Rivers, violence
Arguedas’s portays Peru in this time, as a country immersed in a new pardigram, one of modernization and turmoil in order to articulate these changing times Arguedas frames the narrative through the eyes of a young boy named, Ernesto. The narrative concentrates on the boys life that has been structured between a soico-political dichotomy, he […]
Posted in Arguedas, Blogs | Tagged with Arguedas "Deep Rivers", Deep Rivers
“For many days afterward I felt alone, completely isolated. I felt I should be like the great river, crossing the land, cutting through the rocks, undetainably and serenely flowing through mountains and forests, and entering the sea accompanied by a huge nation of birds that sang from the heavens” (63) This novel digs deep into […]
Posted in Arguedas, Blogs | Tagged with comingofage, duality, identity, indigeneity, interconnectedness, nature, spirituality, Zumbayllu
José María Arguedas’ novel “Deep Rivers” explores Peruvian identity through indigenous culture, colonial heritage, and nature. Through the eyes of the protagonist, Ernesto, the author tells a story about the search for belonging. We follow a story that is both turbulent and calm, like the rivers that flow through the pages of the book. Between Two Worlds […]
Posted in Arguedas, Blogs | Tagged with Abancay, COA, coming of age, Deep Rivers, Ernesto, history, identity, Indigenous, Peru, Travel, Zumbayllu
“Deep Rivers,” through the perspective of Ernesto, vividly portrays the coming-of-age journey of a young boy, intricately interweaving themes of culture, identity, social justice, and the beauty of nature. Some stories, whether fiction or non-fiction, may not present significant ups and downs when read. Arguedas utilizes Ernesto’s viewpoint to narrate the entire story, rendering the […]
Posted in Arguedas, Blogs | Tagged with boy, coming of age, identity, self
“Deep Rivers” by José María Arguedas delves into the intricate dynamics of culture, identity, and the internal conflicts faced by its central character, Ernesto. Unfolding within a societal backdrop marked by ethnic divisions, the novel portrays Ernesto navigating the tumultuous waters of adolescence, contending with two worlds that refuse to coexist harmoniously, even within his […]
Posted in Arguedas, Blogs | Tagged with identity, Internal Conflict, Music, Natural World, Spiritual Renewal