It feels like just yesterday we were discussing Proust and madeleines… Funnily enough, the first volume of In Search of Lost Time was actually my favorite text we read during this class. I loved how immersive the prose was. The entire text had a dreamlike feel, reminding me strongly of what it was like toContinue reading “My Final Post :(“
Posted in Blogs, Proust | Tagged with madeleines, romancestudies, texts
Last book of the course 😀 (I wrote this before watching the video lecture) First of all, I want to say that I enjoyed this book. It was a fun read but it took me about 30 pages to get used to the “jumping between stories” thing. My first impression was, “wow, this woman is […]
Posted in Blogs, Luiselli | Tagged with
“Faces in the Crowd” by Valeria Luiselli was definitely a difficult book to follow because of the narratives that uniquely intertwine with each other through different time, space, and vagueness between reality and fiction. This narrative structure deviated from providing a straightforward plot and offered an experience where readers are piecing together various fragments of […]
Posted in Blogs, Luiselli | Tagged with
This week’s last and final reading of choice is My Brilliant Friend by Ferrante. This is also the first physical copy of a book I have in this class, and what I have to say is that it’s easier to indulge into a book when you have the actual copy in your hands. With that […]
Posted in Blogs, Ferrante | Tagged with adolescent, childhood, classism, friendship, violence
Hey everyone! First of all, I literally cant believe we’re almost done and this is our last book. In a way it feels like it has been so long and challenging but the fact we have read SO MANY BOOKS in such a short time is crazy to me. Personally, I had to really dedicate […]
Posted in Blogs, Luiselli | Tagged with gender, history, identity, life, memory, narration, reality
Faces in the Crowd, is the final novel I read for this course and luckily I got to end this semester on a good note. This novel was very interesting to read, to dissect, and to explore. The narrative was fractioned in a rigid fashion which keeps the reader attentive and on their toes in a […]
Posted in Blogs, Luiselli | Tagged with end of semester, Faces in the Crowd, Last book
‘My Brilliant Friend” by Elena Ferrante was by far my favourite book of the semester. Why? Because it was well written, intense, and most of all, relatable. The story follows two girls from childhood through adolescence, Elena and Lila, who are two unlikely friends that have an intense, competitive, and tough friendship due to their […]
Posted in Blogs, Ferrante | Tagged with adolescence, Elena, gender, girlhood, Lila
Hi everyone! Welcome back to our final week of reading! To end us off, I decided to read ‘Faces in the Crowd’ by Valeria Luiselli. Unfortunately, I can’t necessarily say that I loved this book, which is too bad because I was really hoping to end on a fun note. However, I still found parts […]
Posted in Blogs, Luiselli | Tagged with faces, ghosts, the end
Hi Everyone! Many of the novels we have read so far have been confusing for me in the beginning, but then make sense as I get further along in the book. There had always been a point that I begin to understand what exactly is going on….
Posted in Blogs, Luiselli | Tagged with confusing, Faces in the Crowd, what
Hi Everyone! Many of the novels we have read so far have been confusing for me in the beginning, but then make sense as I get further along in the book. There had always been a point that I begin to understand what exactly is going on….
Posted in Blogs, Luiselli | Tagged with confusing, Faces in the Crowd, what