“The Book of Chameleons” explores at identity and memory in post-colonial Angola through a captivating blend of magical realism and historical fiction. José Eduardo Agualusa creates a story full of symbolism and reflection via the protagonist Félix Ventura’s journey of self-discovery. A fascinating and thought-provoking book, the novel explores the power of narratives to alter […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with quest, reality, self-identity
Hey everyone! I hope you all had a good and enjoyable week amidst all the chaos. As for myself, over the past few days, I read the book Mad Toy by Roberto Arlt. This book was a refreshing change from last week’s Combray book by Marcel Prous…
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with change, environment, inequality, Roberto Arlt, self-identity
Hey everyone! I hope you all had a good and enjoyable week amidst all the chaos. As for myself, over the past few days, I read the book Mad Toy by Roberto Arlt. This book was a refreshing change from last week’s Combray book by Marcel Prous…
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with change, environment, inequality, Roberto Arlt, self-identity