“Deep Rivers” by José María Arguedas delves into the intricate dynamics of culture, identity, and the internal conflicts faced by its central character, Ernesto. Unfolding within a societal backdrop marked by ethnic divisions, the novel portrays Ernesto navigating the tumultuous waters of adolescence, contending with two worlds that refuse to coexist harmoniously, even within his […]
Posted in Arguedas, Blogs | Tagged with identity, Internal Conflict, Music, Natural World, Spiritual Renewal
In Alberto Moravia’s “Agostino,” the sun-drenched beaches of a seaside town in Italy set the stage for a captivating exploration of a mother and son’s relationship. Against the backdrop of a summer spent in their pattino and swimming in the sea, Moravia delves into the psyche of a young thirteen-year-old boy named Agostino as he grapples with […]
Posted in Blogs, Moravia | Tagged with adolescence, desire, Envy, Internal Conflict, oedipus