Elena Ferrante, My Brilliant Friend
Posted in Ferrante lecture, Lecture Videos | Tagged with Bourdieu, C21st, childhood, class, education, habit, Italy, language, school, taste
Starting off this course with Marcel Proust’s Swann’s Way was both a challenging yet very interesting start. Reading Combray for me, almost felt like reading a memoir. I felt like I could visibly see Marcel’s experiences with the interactions he would have … Continue reading →
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with habit, memory, nostalgia, Swann's Way (Proust)
Hi, All. I hope everyone has had a great weekend! We were assigned to read Combray’s “Swann’s Way” by Marcel Proust this week. This Novel is exciting in the way it captures a recreation of time past. In this Novel, we see different types of time. …
Posted in Blogs, Proust | Tagged with Aunt Leonie, habit, memory, perspective, time, voyeurism, windows
Hi, All. I hope everyone has had a great weekend! We were assigned to read Combray’s “Swann’s Way” by Marcel Proust this week. This Novel is exciting in the way it captures a recreation of time past. In this Novel, we see different types of time. …
Posted in Blogs, Proust | Tagged with Aunt Leonie, habit, memory, perspective, time, voyeurism, windows