Bombal’s “The Shrouded Woman” presents a complex perspective on love. Written from the perspective of a deceased woman, Ana María takes on a variety of roles to unfold her memories and complicated relationships around her. Being a wife whose marriage is disastrous and lifeless, a mother whose children all encounter troubles of their own, and […]
Posted in Blogs, Bombal | Tagged with betrayal, gender, memories, power, violence
Impression For this week’s reading, I read Mad Toy by Robert Arlt. The thematic elements of this literature includes friendship,politics, betrayal, and thievery. It was one compelling read, especially in contrast to Combray, where the literature was more difficult to read and indulge in. I like how the book really gets you to think […]
Posted in Arlt, Blogs | Tagged with betrayal, Creativity, friendship, Thievery, writer
This week we were tasked with reading Mad Toy, by Roberto Arlt, which I actually enjoyed reading quite a bit. In the beginning before I committed to reading this book, I tried looking around for some information about the book and found that there were a whopping 0 reviews of this book on Goodreads, with […]
Posted in Arlt, Blogs | Tagged with betrayal, perspective
Hi everyone! I hope you all had a good weekend, as well as a nice start to your week:) I know we’ve had a little bumpy start to the new term. It has been a bit hectic lately with the snow days and transit strike, but hopefully, we can soon get back into our normal […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with betrayal, identity, mental health, Roberto Artl, suicide, theft, Week 3
This week’s reading of Roberto Arlt’s Mad Toy was very interesting because Arlt’s style of writing is something that I am not usually familiar with, but still enjoyed nonetheless. I can see how Arlt’s writing can be seen as a … Continue reading →
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with beauty, betrayal, survival
While I wouldn’t compare “In Search of Lost Time” and “Mad Toy” in terms of style of writing because they have so many artistic differences, one thing they have in common is that they both deal with the subject of time and the changes that occur to people over time. For our narrator Silvio in […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with betrayal, Roberto Arlt, rogue, thief, time, treachery
Reading Arlt’s “Mad Toy” left me with a heavy heart. As I read through the chapters, I feel that Arlt’s narration of his life only gets more depressing. It seems to me that Arlt has never had a genuine connection with anyone before he met Rengo, yet he loses him in the end. From joining […]
Posted in Arlt, Blogs | Tagged with betrayal, class, life, reality, trauma, violence
This week, I read the Soldiers of Salamis by Javier Cercas.The story is about a journalist interviewing Rafael Sanchez Ferlosio, who is telling his father, Rafael Sanchez Mazas’s story during the Spanish Civil War.In the story, Mazas was hiding in th…
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with betrayal, Loyal, reality, truth, war