I. Loved. This. Book. Although a quick Google search might call this novel a “murder mystery,” I think that’s quite a stretch. By the halfway point, I felt the book was leaning more towards fantasy because of its whimsical, mysterious, and somewhat unsettling tone (I’ll explain this more later!). However, towards the end, it shifted … Continue reading The Book of Chameleons: Kafka if He Were a Gecko (Mar 25)
Posted in Agualusa, Blogs | Tagged with 5 Stars, betrayal, deceit, history
I feel SUPER strongly about this book. Parting from my usual neutral stance in my usual blogs, today I’ll be sharing my very biased and personal viewpoint on “The Lover” by Marguerite Duras; specifically regarding its commentary on power dynamics and agency within relationships that have significant and inappropriate age gaps. A. He Has the … Continue reading The Lover: And the Victim (Mar 12)
Posted in Blogs, Duras | Tagged with 5 Stars, grooming, power