Hey hey hey!!! I hope everyone had a great weekend 🙂 And if you celebrated Saint Patrick’s Day, I hope you survived! HAHA. I LOVE it when we have required readings because I get to read everyone’s unique and different perspectives on the same book. It’s really interesting to see how everyone processes something in […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with crime, gangs, Ricardo Piglia, society, thriller, week 10
“Money to Burn” was a new genre for me I’m a bit of a scaredy cat and I’m not intrigued by the possibility of being wrapped up in a thriller, I feel I internalize the emotion of novels sometimes and so thrillers/mysteries tend to make me anxious while reading lol. I thought the plot was […]
Posted in Blogs, Piglia | Tagged with gang, week 10
Hello everyone, welcome back to the blog. The read for this week is Money to Burn by Roberto Piglia. I didn’t know much about this book going in (only that it was about a bank robbery of some sort) and was quite shocked by what I ended up reading. My shock greatened when I learned […]
Posted in Blogs, Piglia | Tagged with crime, LGBT, robbery, week 10
When I was sitting there reading Amulet, it felt like someone was sitting in front of me, quietly reading her story, a story like a poem, but the content of this book is about violence. This is like a combination of violence and cause, showing the sad atmosphere to the reader bit by bit. From … Continue reading Review of Amulet →
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with literature, Romance Studies, week 10