Hi everyone!! I hope you had a great long weekend 🙂 This weekend was actually my brother’s birthday so I went with him and a few of my friends to Whistler to celebrate. Normally I have read most of our books as a PDF on my ipad, but in honour of this being our LAST […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Faces in the Crowd, ghosts, stories, Valeria Luiselli, week 12
Wow we’ve finally made it to the last book of this semester. I decided to read “Faces in the Crowd” by Valeria Luiselli for this week because I saw it was a lot shorter compared to the other book this week, and I felt I’d be really busy with finals coming up. I’m glad I […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with identity, Imagination, memory, reality, Valeria Luiselli
To be honest, I found this novel really confusing. I didn’t dislike it, but I didn’t like it either. So please excuse me if I am not as insightful as I would want to be. In Mexico City, a lady contemplates her history while in a house and a marriage she cannot truly occupy or […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with confused, contrast, death, identity, memories, nostalgia, Valeria Luiselli
Faces in the Crowd has been one the most confusing novels I have read in a while. The novel finely blurs reality from fiction, making it even more complex for me to understand. The novel follows the story of a lady ( unnamed but I assume that it is the author herself ) and her […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with book, idkwhattagtoput, mexican, novel, owen, Valeria Luiselli
Faces In the Crowd by Valeria Luiselli is a unique novel that has stories intertwined in three time zones and seems to jump around in its thinking. From the beginning of the story, the story was from the perspective of a writer, who is the mother of two kids. “I have a baby and a […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with ghost,death,Owen, life, Mom, Valeria Luiselli, writer