Mercè Rodoreda’s The Time of the Doves presents processes of multifaceted change during the Spanish Civil War through the lens of the life of an ordinary Catalan woman named Natalia. Setting in Barcelona, this is the first Catalan novel I have read. It is particularly noteworthy to consider the relevant background of the work. From […]
Posted in Blogs, Rodoreda | Tagged with gender, politics, power, urbanism
Louis Aragon’s Paris Peasant is a masterful work reflecting the concept of surrealism. I frequently feel illusionary while reading the text. The narrator provokes surreal geographies by imagining and constructing the idea of “Paris”, primarily through describing two locations in the city — The Passage de L’Opéra and Buttes-Chaumont. In my opinion, this book is relatively similar […]
Posted in Aragon, Blogs | Tagged with urbanism