When I first finished reading Norman Manea’s “The Trenchcoat”, I felt way too confused. However, after watching the lecture video and reading blogposts of my peers, I realized that confusion – especially regarding the Trenchcoat – was a central theme of the story. For me, the anonymity and lack of description for the Trenchcoat made […]
Posted in Blogs, Manea | Tagged with allegory, censorship, communism, fictionality, literature, politics, suspicion, Symbolism
This book was weird. When I started reading it I enjoyed it, I liked GH’s narration and felt the plot would be somewhat entertaining to follow. The way she described cleaning and “arranging” her home now that her maid had quit, the way she described the immaculate design of the room that had previously been […]
Posted in Blogs, Lispector | Tagged with class, death, Disorganization, literature, Mania, perception, Symbolism
This was a bit of an astonishing read, particularly how it ended. I’m struggling to find the symbolism of it or what exactly Sagan was trying to achieve in writing it. However, what stood out to me was the contrasting ebb and flow of Cécile’s impulsivity and analytics that seemed to be a mirror of […]
Posted in Blogs, Sagan | Tagged with Symbolism