“Nadja” is sometimes referred to as a Surrealist love story, yet Nadja does not appear until approximately sixty pages into the novel. The first few pages include theory, Surrealist gossip, Breton’s past, dreams, and explorations of Paris. When Nadja eventually enters the story, the book’s tone shifts to dated diary entries, underlining the immediacy and […]
Posted in Blogs, Breton | Tagged with André Breton, Delusion, love, najda, obsession, Surrealism
In Najda by Andre Breton, the author is able to eloquently capture the anxieties and life of the era while identifying the role of surrealism in our understanding of the text. I greatly enjoyed the non-traditional narrative structure and heavy use of c…
Posted in Blogs, Breton | Tagged with najda
In Najda by Andre Breton, the author is able to eloquently capture the anxieties and life of the era while identifying the role of surrealism in our understanding of the text. I greatly enjoyed the non-traditional narrative structure and heavy use of c…
Posted in Blogs, Breton | Tagged with najda