Maris Luisa Bombal’s “The Shrouded Woman” blurs the line between life and death as it starts off with the protagonist, Ana Maria, narrating her own funeral. It follows her reflecting about her memories, her relationships of friends, family and lovers w…
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with death, first love, freedom, memories, relationships, restriction
Maris Luisa Bombal’s “The Shrouded Woman” blurs the line between life and death as it starts off with the protagonist, Ana Maria, narrating her own funeral. It follows her reflecting about her memories, her relationships of friends, family and lovers w…
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with death, first love, freedom, memories, relationships, restriction
Bombal’s “The Shrouded Woman” presents a complex perspective on love. Written from the perspective of a deceased woman, Ana María takes on a variety of roles to unfold her memories and complicated relationships around her. Being a wife whose marriage is disastrous and lifeless, a mother whose children all encounter troubles of their own, and […]
Posted in Blogs, Bombal | Tagged with betrayal, gender, memories, power, violence
‘The Shrouded Woman’ by María Luisa Bombal was an amazing read. I really enjoyed this text as I felt like I was so interested in her perspective. I found it so unique and capturing that she sees herself buried. Narrating from this view made this novel made it more impactful in a way as she looks back at her life. This perspective made the text so interesting almost like I was immersed in a show. I think this novel did a great job at capturing those emotions and feelings someone…read more
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with love, memories
Hi everyone!! I hope you’re staying warm 🙂 I don’t know about y’all, but for me, there is something about the cold weather and snow which puts me in a reading mood. So I loved that the weather has been cool and enhanced my reading experience!! Going into this week’s reading, I was a little […]
Posted in Blogs, Proust | Tagged with family, memories, week 2
Proust uses drawn out monologues to convey moments of unconscious remembering’s to the reader which point towards feelings of nostalgia and love. I found the narrators dialogues very captivating yet confusing at times. It felt as if …
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with memories, nostalgia
Proust uses drawn out monologues to convey moments of unconscious remembering’s to the reader which point towards feelings of nostalgia and love. I found the narrators dialogues very captivating yet confusing at times. It felt as if …
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with memories, nostalgia
Swann’s Way by Marcel Proust. The first chapter of the book, ‘Combray’, felt like those long dreams that seem to never end, especially with the way it was written. The never-ending, lengthy sentences felt difficult to read but I liked that aspect because it felt like it was spoken by a person hit with a […]
Posted in Blogs, Proust | Tagged with memories, nostalgia
Combray is a nostalgic story filled with detailed descriptions of the narrator’s childhood memories. What I found myself enjoying the most was the narrator’s ability to describe his memories with such detail that it made envisioning Combray very …
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with childhood, memories
Combray is a nostalgic story filled with detailed descriptions of the narrator’s childhood memories. What I found myself enjoying the most was the narrator’s ability to describe his memories with such detail that it made envisioning Combray very …
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with childhood, memories