“As in a game of chess, death advanced her queen. A few more moves should open the way to a checkmate, and the game will end.” (186) Is the wish for immortality a blessing or a curse? That answer seems simple. What begins as a celebration devolves into the unknown. Humanity’s fear of death is […]
Posted in Blogs, Saramago | Tagged with absurdism, death, Existentialism, futility, humanity, immortality, life, limbo, morality, murder, Music, personification
“And now she desires nothing more than to remain there crucified to the earth, suffering and enjoying in her flesh the ebb and flow of distant, far distant tides; feeling the grass grow, new islands emerge, and on some other continent, the unknown flower bursting open that blooms only on a day of eclipse. And […]
Posted in Blogs, Bombal | Tagged with death, desire, limbo, love