“The Hour of the Star” is written by Brazilian author Clarice Lispector. First of all, I love Clarice Lispector’s way of having a male be the narrator- that being Rodrigo, rather than it being herself. Lispector’s thinking and reasoning for every small detail from the title to the philosophy all over the book fascinated me […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with character, culture, Gen-Z, girlhood, innocence, playful, TheHourOfTheStar
Tuesday, February 27th This week’s read was quite fascinating in my opinion. I found myself thoroughly intrigued by Natalia’s character and her voice throughout the novel. Right from the start Natalia portrays this image of naïveté and innocence, with her white dress and “shoes like two drops of milk”. Rodoreda depicts this woman in her […]
Posted in Blogs, Rodoreda | Tagged with Conflict, family, innocence, love, marriage, motherhood, politics, war
Black Shack Alley is probably my favourite novel compared to the others we have read in this class. I noticed that in most of the books we’ve read so far, literature has a significant effect on the protagonist of the book. For Jose, books allowed him to deepen his knowledge of the world. He saw […]
Posted in Blogs, Zobel | Tagged with childhood, innocence, literature, poverty
In the process of reading Deep Rivers, I couldn’t help but take note of Ernesto’s sensitive character as he tries to make sense of the injustices he witness towards the Quechua people. Even though he was sent to a Catholic boarding school in the hopes that the education would help him integrate within white society, […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Comfort zone, Deep Rivers, Destress, innocence, José María Arguedas
Sometimes I wonder why literature writers (or is it just the romance ones?) get so obsessed with the Oedipus complex and overall Freud’s theory. There must be something poetic or beautiful within the layers of uncomfortable incestuous relationships for these many writers to focus on it. Even though I started reading the book without any […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with adolesence, childhood, Freud, innocence, oedipus, sexuality
Agostino was an interesting read to say the least… Although at first glance, the Freudian themes make it a bit of an uncomfortable read, once I turned my brain off to the perplexing sexualizations of Agostino’s mother I was able to appreciate the novella for what it was: an excruciatingly detailed recount of the experience […]
Posted in Blogs, Moravia | Tagged with abuse, Belonging, Freud, innocence, sexuality
A. Initial Thoughts This is probably an unpopular opinion but I actually quite liked this book. Moravia’s straightforward writing, reflecting the post-WW2 shift to realism discussed in lecture, really appealed to me. It felt fresh, especially compared to the more decorative language in “Combray”. Additionally, I appreciated that the book primarily used internal monologue instead … Continue reading Agostino: The Cost of Adulthood (Feb 6)
Posted in Blogs, Moravia | Tagged with 4 Stars, hope, innocence, Realism
Well, well, well… of course, Freud is back for more! After reading the first few pages, Freud was the man who immediately came to mind. In this week’s novel, I read Agostino by Moravia, and it’s definitely an interesting book. Going into it after reading the blurb, I expected it to be an innocent book […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Alberto Moravia, childhood, coming of age, Freud, friendships, innocence, Maturing, Oedipus complex, peer pressure, sexuality, societal pressures
Hi everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend! This week I read “Agostino” by Alberto Moravia and I really enjoyed it. I found it a quick read; I was able to finish the entire book in one sitting. This is the first book in this class that, once I picked it up, I […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with adolescence, Alberto Moravia, family, innocence, teenage years, Week 5
After reading the novel ‘Agostino’, I felt a mix of emotions as, to be honest, I found this novel a bit strange and weird. The protagonist of the book, Agostino is portrayed as a rich yet innocent boy who does not yet know about the truths and fascinations associated with the real world until he […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with infatuation, innocence, life, love, RMST 202 201