“The toothache that runs through this story has given me a sharp stab in the middle of our mouth.” (pg.1– in my version) Okay okay, it actually wasn’t that bad– there were many parts that made me feel that way though. However, I think my discussion for this post will largely revolve around my curiosity […]
Posted in Blogs, Lispector | Tagged with death, Hour of the Star, Macabea, narrator
Hello all, this week I read “Hour of the Star” by Clarice Lispector. To be honest I had my reservations about the novel before I even began reading it, it just seemed like such a short book and didn’t have much faith that there would be a lot of development on both the character or …
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Hour of the Star
Hey everyone! Hope all is well. I read “The Hour of the Star” by Clarice Lispector this week. I initially wanted to read this because of its shorter length. It was refreshing and made me less overwhelmed compared to some of the othe…
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Hour of the Star, identity, inequality, poverty, sexism
Hey everyone! Hope all is well. I read “The Hour of the Star” by Clarice Lispector this week. I initially wanted to read this because of its shorter length. It was refreshing and made me less overwhelmed compared to some of the othe…
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Hour of the Star, identity, inequality, poverty, sexism
Hi everyone! This week I read Hour of the Star by Clarice Lispector. I really did not understand this book at first, it felt kind of pointless and so I did not enjoy it. It discusses themes of life, death, love and meaning. I would like to spend my blog post discussing the ending of […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with afterlife, death, Hour of the Star, life, meaning
When I finished Hour of the Star by Clarice Lispector, I really tried to reflect on what I read. It was not what I was expecting at all. One trend I am noticing in the novels we have been reading is that almost all of these characters need therapy. I can’t say I necessarily dislike […]
Posted in Blogs, Lispector | Tagged with Clarice Lispector, class, Consumerism, Hour of the Star, trauma