Labyrinth. This story was a labyrinth of emotions and relationships, with an odd enigma in the center waiting to be discovered. Looking at the story the only adjective that comes to mind when describing Agostino as a character is strange. That was the first and perhaps only word I could think to describe the character of Agostino. He […]
Posted in Blogs, Moravia | Tagged with adolescence, emotions, strange
Reading ‘Bonjour Tristesse’ by Francoise Sagan went more quickly than I had expected. While the entire book spans months, I felt as if I were reading about one very long and eventful day. Perhaps this speaks to the “thoughtlessness” of our main…
Posted in Blogs, Sagan | Tagged with cycles, emotions, morals, relationships, sorrow, thoughtless, tristesse
Reading ‘Bonjour Tristesse’ by Francoise Sagan went more quickly than I had expected. While the entire book spans months, I felt as if I were reading about one very long and eventful day. Perhaps this speaks to the “thoughtlessness” of our main…
Posted in Blogs, Sagan | Tagged with cycles, emotions, morals, relationships, sorrow, thoughtless, tristesse
To begin with, I found Bonjour Tristesse to be quite an intriguing, if a bit desolate, read. Sagan’s descriptions, especially when he focuses on the French upper class in the beginning of the twentieth century has an almost lyrical, romantic feel to it. What caught my interest the most the more I read of the novel was […]
Posted in Blogs, Sagan | Tagged with emotions, feelings, literature, reflections, relationships
While reading, ‘Nada’, by Carmen Laforet, I was by far the most emotionally involved I have been since beginning this course. Because of this, I have a lot of different thoughts about this story, and thus my blog post will probably be more disorga…
Posted in Blogs, Laforet | Tagged with emotions