Clarice Lispector, The Passion According to G. H.
Posted in Lecture Videos, Lispector lecture | Tagged with affect, animals, being, body, Brazil, C20th, difficulty, passion, religion, Spinoza
“And in the same way, also, the thoughts of the dying are quite often turned toward the aspect of death that is real, painful, dark, visceral, toward the underside of death, which is in fact the side it presents to them and so harshly makes them feel, and which more closely resembles a crushing burden, […]
Posted in Blogs, Proust | Tagged with being, childhood, Dreams, family, memory, space, time
I found this novel to be very metaphysically intense. The preface of the novel addressing the reader that “this is a book like any other book. But I would be happy if it were only read by people whose souls are already formed” reminded me of my beloved Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Muslims […]
Posted in Blogs, Lispector | Tagged with being, metaphysics, Ontology
Clarice Lispector’s The Passion According to G.H. was not at all what I expected it to be. Given the position of the protagonist and certain details about her way of life, I read through more than a little of the novel assuming that there would be some kind of message relating to intersections between gender […]
Posted in Blogs, Lispector | Tagged with affect, being, The animal