

We did it. We did it, everyone. We made it to the end of the semester and this will be the last blog post for the course. Applaud yourselves on the back for all the readings you have done, blog posts you wrote, as well as all of the discussions you went through. Most importantly, […]

Conclusions! (Week 13)

I can’t believe this semester is (almost) over! I had such a great time reading and chatting about these books with everyone. I’ve never had the opportunity to read so many books from so many different countries in such a short amount of time, so it wa…

Conclusions! (Week 13)

I can’t believe this semester is (almost) over! I had such a great time reading and chatting about these books with everyone. I’ve never had the opportunity to read so many books from so many different countries in such a short amount of time, so it wa…