- What did you expect from this course? Did it live up to your expectations?
- What surprised you about this course? Or about the readings you did?
- Which was your favourite reading? Why?
- Do you wish you’d chosen different books? Which ones?
- Do any particular discussions stick in your mind? Which ones and why?
- What themes emerged linking (some or all of) these books together?
- What did you learn about literature and reading?
- What did you learn about yourself?
- What is Romance Studies?
- Do you think other courses should be more (or less) like this one?
The following questions are taken from your blog posts…
On Favourites
What is your most and least favourite book you have encountered across this course?
What was everyone’s favourite book and why? Was your favourite book also the most impactful one? What is Professor Jon Beasley-Murray’s favourite book and why? Was romance studies how you expected it to be?
What were your favourites and least favourites and why?
I was wondering what your least favorite book is?
I am curious to see what everyone else’s favorite book was?
What were your favourite texts and why?
What was your favourite and least favourite book that we read?
What was your favourite book?
What was your favourite book(s)? What specific themes stood out to you from these books?
Out of the books that you read, did you have a favourite? That is, was there one that was so inspiring or eye-opening that it drastically changed your perspective on something? Was there a particular story that made you want to read more books on that topic or that genre?
Which reading was your favourite and which one was your least favourite?
What is your favorite novel and why?
Throughout the semester, what was your favorite book you read and why?
What was your favourite or least favourite book, and why?
What was your favorite book from this course and what was your favorite drink pairing?
What were your favourite and least favourite books throughout this course?
What was your favourite part about this course?
What was your favourite book this semester?
What has been your favourite book throughout this course and why?
What were your favourite and least favourite books?
Which book do you resonate with the most and why?
Of all the books you’ve read in this course, which one had the most impact on you?
What was your favourite book and the theme that corresponds to it? Why?
What was your favourite book, and what was your biggest take-away from the course?
Which genre/topic from the books we read did you like the most? (e.g. coming of age, philosophical, romance, etc.)
I am curious to hear if you have any awards to give to any of the books you’ve read throughout this term, favourite book? Most hated character? Underrated novel?
Who was your favorite character out of all the books you’ve read in the course? And who did you hate the most?
Did you have a least favourite book of the course?
What are your thoughts on my rankings? Did you have another favourite book of the course (perhaps one I didn’t read)?
My question for you all this week is “who is your least favourite character (probably male, but maybe female?) from any of the books we’ve read this semester?’
Which book did you enjoy the most? Why is that?
What was the hardest book you have encountered in this course and why? Also, did you dislike it because it was hard? or did you like it?
On Money to Burn
For those who are not fans, why do you really dislike Money to Burn? Are you afraid of the masterpiece in literature?
For those who are unwavering Money-to-Burnies (our fan club name), what makes this book so unique?
On Reading:
Did this course give you a new perspective on reading for enjoyment instead of strictly for school?
How do you think your reading habits were changed/formed by this course?
If you could have added one book to our reading list what would it be?
For the previous non-readers who took this course, did it help you read better and do you think you will enjoy literature more now? As for the readers, how did this class change your perception of literature, is it different than the usual novels you read?
What was your favourite drink you drank while reading the novel?
On Relating to the Readings:
What novels did you relate to most? What novels did you relate to least? Did you learn more from the novels you did relate to or the ones you did not?
Do you think this course has influenced the type of novels you will read in the future? What novel did you read in this course that you think impacted you the most and might stick with you?
Did you enjoy the novels you read? Were your experiences in class shaping your interpretations of the text?
On Grading:
If you would retake this class, would you contract for a lower, higher, or same grade?
Do you have any regrets about how many or which texts you chose?
Did you thrive with this new grading system? Should it be implemented more so we can further emphasise on learning and understanding the course as a whole or is it still all about the GPA?
On Translation:
Did any of you notice translation detriments in the books we read? Did that effect the way you read a certain book?
How you experienced translated works? Did it make a difference in how you interpreted them?
On Learning
Has this course changed your previous opinion on literature courses? If your opinion has changed, how so?
What is the most valuable thing you’ve learned in this course? Did you enjoy the readings? Do you also think this course is like a “cultural immersion” class?
Did this course also push you out of your comfort zone? If so, in what way?
Did you take this class as a literature requirement, or thought you would be reading romance novels for credits?
Which format of learning did you feel benefitted your learning the most?
What was your favourite aspect of this course (i.e. contract style, blogs, in-class discussions, readings, etc)?
What do you think were the most impactful lessons learned throughout the course?
What advice would you give to future students taking this course?
When watching the lecture videos, reading the book, or writing the blog post, what was the overall ambiance you created when doing those activities?
Looking back on the course as a whole, what aspect of your learning experience do you feel had the most significant impact on your personal growth and development as a reader?
Did the classroom environment help change your perspective on literature too? Did you notice a change in your book preference after reading so many novels in this course?
What did you learn from this course and how did you adapt to the concept of contract grading in this course?
What is your favorite thing about the course? Least favorite?
How was your experience in this course? Did you reach the goal you set in the first post?
What was your biggest takeaway in terms of lessons from this course?
What is one unexpected thing this course taught you?
What is your biggest gain from this course?
What did you imagine when you first signed up for the course, and did it live up to that?
What made this course the most enjoyable for you? Was it a book, the blogs, the interactive discussion classes, or something entirely different?
How did you enjoy the course?
On Literature
Has this course enhanced your perspective on literature? Would you change anything about your experience with this course?
Do you agree that this course has helped repair the way that we read literature? Why or why not?
On Reading
Do you prefer reading a physical book or e-book/PDF?
Please share one interesting reading experience you have throughout this course :)))
What book did you guys find most challenging to read? Did you find the difficulty enjoyable or did it contribute to your dislike of the book?
On Romance Studies
Has your original definition of romance studies changed by taking this course? If so, in what aspects?
How has your opinion of romance studies changed throughout the course?
Do you think there’s something special that studying Romance languages in particular can provide, as opposed to a general survey of comparative literature?
What was your favourite part of RMST?
Will you take another RMST class?
On Themes
Out of the numerous themes we have encountered, what stood out to you the most? Is it applicable to your life in some way?
What were some of your favourite themes that we have encountered this term?
Though we mainly read books with the same themes, is there a specific one you were drawn to the most?
Were your favorite novels in the course grouped in any sort of way by their themes? ex. war, memory, etc.?
What did you think the biggest theme was?
On Blog Posts:
Which of your blogposts do you feel is your best written and why? I may just read the one you say!
On Continuing to Make Connections:
What do you think links these stories together?
Book Recommendations
If you were to suggest a book for me to read this summer, what would it be?
Let me know what books you recommend that I read this summer!
Please recommend me some books for the summer (maybe with a similar vibe to My Brilliant Friend) pls and thank u!
What’s a guilty-pleasure book recommendation you have?
What’s up next book wise? What book have you been putting off because we had our class readings? Mine is the third book in the Crescent City series!
What are your book recommendations? Please no booktok books I will genuinely rip my eyes out.
What is on your TBR (To be read) list? Or are you planning to never look at a book until school starts again? Any summer book suggestions for me?
Which of the books we read would you recommend to a friend? Would you recommend any books? Why or why not?
Do you have any book recommendations for me? From my previous reading experience, I love me some cute little love stories (I have to be in the mood for smut so let’s keep them cute please) and stories exploring GRSJ type topics.
On the Future
What is next on your TBR list?
Do you think you will continue to read romantic literature in the future?
What’s the best place to hang out during the summer in Vancouver?
Are you going on vacation this summer? If so then where?
What do you look forward for in the second half of 2024?
What are some of your favorite courses/electives you have taken at UBC (other than this one of course), I’m looking for some interesting classes to take so I don’t end up only just taking CPSC and Math classes for my entire degree.
If you had to write a sequel/prequel to one of these books, which would it be and what would occur?
Do you have any favorite quotes from the novels we have read? If so, which ones are they and why are they your favorite?
Were you able to find truth in the fictional aspects of certain course readings? Did you prefer the works that stayed closer to facts (or seemed to)? And finally, has your understanding of “truth” or “reality” changed?
If you could invite one author we looked at to join our class discussion, who would it be, and what questions would you ask them?
Did other people in the class usually perceive the books how you thought they would? Or sometimes were the discussions way off what you thought the meaning of the book was supposed to be?
Which part/particular of our class time did you find most interesting? (For me, it was Deep Rivers, because we had to draw maps based on our memories of the book, and I remember classmates grouping up to draw the maps, and the presentations were really fun!)
What was your favourite drink paring from all the lecture videos?
Of all the novels we read, which one do you think would make an intriguing movie or TV show?
Besides your personal favorite, which book do you think was most well-written?
hich text are you most glad you read for this course? Why?
What song would you pick to encapsulate this course and why?
If you had to live inside the literary world of one of the novels we’ve read this semester, which one would you pick?
If you could act/direct a movie adaptation of any one of the books you chose to read through this semester, which one would it be and why?
What are some of your favorite courses/electives you have taken at UBC (other than this one of course), I’m looking for some interesting classes to take so I don’t end up only just taking CPSC and Math classes for my entire degree.
If you could live in one of our books, which one would it be, would you want to be a specific character or a random bystander just watching the plot develop?
What was your favourite drink pairing in the course and why? Do any of you see yourself going back to any of the books that we read in this course for whatever reason, if yes which one?
I bring back the worst man awards now that we have seen all the worst men this course has to offer. Who is truly the worst and why?